Sunday, May 30, 2010

We lost so much and were so wounded and not knowing what was next. A broken man a shamed wife and there two very small children packed up their things and went to the desert. West Texas desert that is. My uncle was able to get Aaron a job at car lot in sales. It was a long way from what we had know but it was something. We started to go to there church. We were very much alone and hurting. It did become a place of healing and rest for awhile. We got a little counseling and felt we were better. We got plugged in and started to feel safe again. We still had desiring to be in full in full time ministry. Little did we know that we were going to get a chance to do that again.
One day we got a call from a pastor in Savannah GA. He was interested in us and wanted to come as youth pastor of there church. Well we were pumped. We bored a plane and took a weekend to see the church and for them to see us. We came home and felt it was a place for us. We could not wait. January 1st 2003 we packed up our stuff and made a long journey from all the family and friends we had ever know. It was not a easy move but we were ready to get back in the ministry . We could not wait!!! God again seem to be smiling down on us.
We arrived there and it seemed like a perfect fit. It was a wonderful time in my life. We made lots of friends and many of them became like family. Our ministry grew and really began to thirve. This was a very sweet time for me. We added another addition to the Young family. This time a girl. Darci Grace was born on May 5th 2004. I was settled and so comfortable with my life. Aaron and I were finally there again and working as a solid team. We had it all a great ministry, a marriage that seemed like what we had always wanted, three very beautiful children, and wonderful friends. Life was good!! I could of stayed in Savannah for the REST of my days.
I knew that Aaron was not happy with some of the things with the church but I thought it would pass. He was struggling and we start to talk and see what was the next step. I was getting so worried and fear was rising in my heart. "NO GOD NO!!! I don't want to leave I am just fine here."
Aaron got another phone call this time from Kelview Heights Baptist Church. It was the church we had gone to while we were in Midland. They were looking for someone to take over the singles and college ministries. It would be a good chance for Aaron. I was ok with it cause it would bring me closer to my family and we already knew people there. So again we packed up the car and another Uhaul and moved back to the desert.

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